Millennium Payphone - Power Out Exploit V2.0 - By PsychoSpy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What's new in V2.0.... Added a section on how to turn the power out without cutting lines. This was one of the most common questions people have had after I originally wrote this file. Intro/Story.... Recently while carousing the halls at my local educational facility, I noticed that the LCD Displays on the phone had gone completely blank. I couldn't believe my eyes! The power on the phones had gone out! Can we say damn lucky?!? I then walked up to the phone and picked it up, as I put my ear to the slightly chilly earpeice, I heard the distinct noise of the dial tone. You may say "Well hey! What else do you expect to hear when you pick up the phone?!? You forgot something you psycho! The Millennium dial tones are all pre-recorded." Well, that's right, the dial tones ARE pre-recorded, however, with the power out, the recorded dial tone isn't played due to lack of power. In fact, you can hear the physical switch inside the Millennium switch over. This my friend is a REAL DIAL TONE!! WOOO!! I then proceeded to try to dial a well known number (Clones pager). The damn payphone wouldn't let me though. It turns out that when the power goes out, the payphone initializes a failsafe mode which dissables the dialing of ANY numbers on the key-pad until the 1 and 8 have been pressed first. This is meant to make it so that you cannot dial any numbers other than 800, which you could do when the power was on anyways. Onto the exploits.... First what you have to do is either cut the power to the Millennium, or find one with the power out. The first option is the most likely of the two. It was out of pure luck that I found the payphones with the power out. Just be VERY VERY careful when snipping the power. Make sure you've got rubber gloves, the wire cutters have rubber handles etc. If you fry yourself because of this, IT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT!! DON'T COME CRYING TO ME!! Now for the real exploit stuff.... The numbers are only dissabled on the physical key-pad. This means that we can pull out our trusty tone dialer, and dial away any number we please. I actually didn't have a tone dialer with me, so I used a mini-audio recorder. To use the audio recorder, you just dial 18 and then press record, and dial the rest of the numbers with the mic up to the ear piece. Then, hang-up, and play the tones back into the phone. NOTE: The tones must be played as fast as possible. This is due to the dial-tone going dead in around 10 to 15 seconds. The second exploit is based on the line seizing exploit on the Protel's which The Clone found awhile back. With the power out, the Millennium no longer protects against this attack. This means that you can dial a 800 number that will drop you to a dial-tone, and will be able to use it. You can also try phoning up the operator and pissing her off so much that she hangs up, therefor giving you an unlimited dial-tone once again. Once you get this dial-tone, you can dial any number your little heart desires. How exactly do I turn the power off without cutting lines?.... This was the most common question after originally writing this file. I found the answer to this from Kybo_Ren and I would like to thank him for it. Here's the solution for the phones on pedestals and in booths. Walk up to the phone. See that nice little Bell sign at the top? The one that lights up at night? Pry that off. Behind that there is a little breaker switch. Flip the switch and voila, the power is out, and you can carry out this exploit. Outro/Shouts/To Come.... Well, that's it kiddies! Have fun! This is only the FIRST of MANY files to come in the near future on the Millennium Pay- phones which have spread across Canada like a technological plague. Kinda interesting new frontier of phones though. The Telcos are actually getting somewhat smarter. Who'd of ever thought?!!? Shouts out to The Clone, Cyb0rg/asm, Kybo_Ren, and Niteshade. -- PsychoSpy ICQ#: 5057653 11/05/00 Updated: 11/21/00